Development Finance
Institutions of Malaysia
Currently, ADFIM stands with a membership of 19 organizations of which 16 are Development Finance Institutions while 3 are Entrepreneur Development Organization. Altogether, these organizations manage assets worth over RM200 billion and have a workforce of over 30,000. As such, ADFIM plays an important role in the landscape of national economic development.
In addition, ADFIM is also charged with the mandate to enhance knowledge, expertise and effectiveness in all aspects including development and research funding among its members.
(ADFIM) or Persatuan Institusi Kewangan Pembangunan
was established 43 years ago on the 12th of January 1981.
Currently, ADFIM stands with a membership of 19
organizations of which 13 are Development Finance
Institutions while 6 are Entrepreneur Development
Organization. Altogether, these organizations manage
assets worth over RM200 billion and have a workforce of
over 30,000. As such, ADFIM plays an important role in the
landscape of national economic development.
The objective of ADFIM is to promote the strengthening
of institutional structure and good practices in the
development finance and banking industry in Malaysia.
In accordance with this objective, each member carries a
great responsibility in line with their existing mandate.
Generally, ADFIM members are responsible for
implementing the mandate given by the government to
develop businesses from the identified economic sectors
and at the same time achieving the country’s
socio-economic goals.
In addition, ADFIM is also charged with the mandate to
enhance knowledge, expertise and effectiveness in all
aspects including development and research funding
among its members.
The Association is managed by a Secretary General assisted by service unit heads that constitute the Secretariat.
The Secretariat has a fully functioning business centre and full-time professional staff to carry out its programs, engagements, and assignments. Its main service units are: membership, projects, training & credentialing, information, and finance & administration. The secretariat also conducts regular training courses and manages the credentialing program of the Association.
The Council Process
The ADFIM Council sets the future of the Association. It sets its vision and mission and operational goals.
Strategic Framework
ADFIM’s Framework for Enabling Synergy, Unleashing Value
To continue to be relevant in the 21st century and to fulfil the aspirations of its members and stakeholders, ADFIM is ever mindful of its avowed rasion d’ etre and is constantly reviewing its strategic framework amidst a changing environment. The following “Enabling Synergy, Unleashing Value” Framework is a work in progress and will continuously evolve as ADFIM tracks the path of its own sustainability.
Our Value Proposition
What We Do
ADFIM links institutions, people and ideas to inspire leadership and achievement within the development banking and finance community.
Our Cause
Why We Exist
To continue to be relevant in the 21st century and to fulfil the aspirations of its members and stakeholders, ADFIM is ever mindful of its avowed rasion d’ etre and is constantly reviewing its strategic framework amidst a changing environment. The following “Enabling Synergy, Unleashing Value” Framework is a work in progress and will continuously evolve as ADFIM tracks the path of its own sustainability.
Our Promise
How we serve our stakeholders
To continue to be relevant in the 21st century and to fulfil the aspirations of its members and stakeholders, ADFIM is ever mindful of its avowed rasion d’ etre and is constantly reviewing its strategic framework amidst a changing environment. The following “Enabling Synergy, Unleashing Value” Framework is a work in progress and will continuously evolve as ADFIM tracks the path of its own sustainability.